Resolution No. 638-24
Both Proposition #1 & #2 refer to Scribner’s LB840 (Local Option Municipal Economic Development Act) that has been in place since 2009 but is up for re-election again on May 14, 2024.
This refers to the 1.5% sales tax the City of Scribner gets to keep in our town to help with various projects while also employing the Economic Development Director. Click below on the RED button to read more about what the additional 1.5% sales tax has done for Scribner over the past 15 years.
This refers to the Economic Development Plan and how the 1.5% sales tax funds may be spent within Scribner.
To extend the LB840 for another 15 years in Scribner, Proposition #1 and Proposition #2 both have to pass.