608, 612, 614, 616 Main Street
See listings on Zillow:
Below are the descriptions of the two types of homes being built on the 600 block of Main Street in Scribner. Homeowner assistance programs are also listed below.
2 Single-family Homes – $286,900
• Two Story, 3 bedroom, 3 bath
• 1636 sq ft, 291 sq ft garage
• 1 garage, extra parking, on slab

2 Attached Townhomes – $259,400
• One story, 2 bedroom, 1 bath
• 1174 sq ft, 342 sq ft garage
• 1 garage, extra parking, on slab

Northeast Economic Development
Four brand new homes are being built in Scribner, but so much groundwork had to be laid years prior for this to come to fruition…
In 2016, the Scribner Housing Corporation requested funding through Scribner’s LB840 Citizen Advisory Committee, in order to clear rundown houses from the 600 block of Main Street.
In 2018, the Scribner Industrial and Improvement Corporation requested funding through the same LB840 advisory committee, in order to invested in matching Rural Workforce Housing Funds through the Greater Fremont Development Council.
In 2020, Scribner’s Economic Development had approached Hoppe Development in helping aid Scribner in its dire housing shortage, by providing workforce housing with the earlier allocated Rural Workforce Housing Funds through GFDC.
In November 2022, it’s been a long, faithful process but we made it, with Hoppe Development breaking ground on this project that’s been 6 years in the making. The newly built houses are expected to be ready for sale in the spring of 2023.
In February 2023, builders began building the four homes.
In April 2023, we are hoping to have an open house, for the public to come check them out.
In July 2023, houses will be finished up and put on the market.
A huge thank you to the Scribner Housing Corporation, Scribner’s LB840 Citizen Advisory Committee, Scribner’s Industrial and Improvement Corporation, Greater Fremont Development Council, Scribner’s Planning Commission, Hoppe Development and last but not least, Scribner’s city leaders. Without perseverance and drive for Scribner’s future, none of this would have been possible.