November City Council Meeting


November 29, 2021 


  1. Acknowledgement of Open Meetings Act, Roll Call & Pledge of Allegiance 
  2. Citizen’s Comments.  
  3. Approval of Minutes: October Regular Meeting & Treasurer’s Report. 
  4. Consideration and approval or rejection of the following: 
    1. Police Report 
    2. Nuisance Abatement Update 
    3. LB840 Local Sales Tax Report 
    4. Economic Development Director’s Report 
    5. Library Director’s Report 
  5. Discussion and possible action approving request from Scribner Area Chamber of Commerce on placement of X-Mas Tree on Main Street for Christmas Parade. 
  6. Discussion and possible action approving Resolution #606-21, a Resolution authorizing full participation with Northeast Nebraska Economic Development District (NNEDD) through updated Interlocal Agreement. 
  7. Discussion and possible action approving Resolution #607-21, a Resolution authorizing signing of the Year-End Certification of City Street Superintendent 2021. 
  8. Discussion and possible action regarding settlement and new scheduling agreement with MEAN with increase in hourly rates for 2022. 
  9. Discussion and possible action Ordinance for net metering. 
  10. Update on Electrical Generation. 
  11. Discussion and possible action regarding cost estimates/quotes from NAQS Environmental Experts and ARC for Consulting and Compliance Services for Electrical Generation. 
  12. Update on Section 14 Project.  
  13. Update on floodplain violations in City of Scribner’s jurisdiction. 
  14. Discussion and possible action regarding request of funds for community thrift store. 
  15. U.S. 275 Bypass Utility Relocation. 
  16. 800MHZ Radio Dodge County. 
  17. Correspondence. 
  18. Approve paying of bills. 
  19. Staffing. 
  20. Health Insurance. 
  21. Next Council Meeting December 27, 2021 at 6:30 P.M.   
  22. Adjourn.  
  23. *The council reserves the right to convene into executive session on any appropriate matter.