1. Acknowledgement of Open Meetings Act/ LB 83E, Roll Call & Pledge of Allegiance
2. Citizen Comments.
3. Approval of Minutes: April Regular Meeting, 5/10/2021 Special Meeting & Treasurer’s Report.
4. Joint Meeting with Scribner Planning Commission to discuss possible changes in Agriculture Zoning Regulations and Jurisdiction.
5. Discussion and possible action regarding equipment purchase for Nuisance Ordinance enforcement.
6. Discussion and possible action regarding leasing/purchase of City property by burn-site.
7. Discussion and possible action regarding easement Burnell Nelson development sewer line.
8. Consideration and approval or rejection of the following:
-Police Report
-Nuisance Abatement Update
-Economic Development Director’s Report
-LB 840 Local Sales Tax Report
-Training Update
9. Discussion and possible action regarding 2021 annual renewal of City insurance.
10. Discussion and possible action regarding pricing of lots in Railroad Place Subdivision.
11. Pool and Parks Report.
12. Discussion and possible action regarding additional date for City-wide cleanup (SQ-150).
13. Consideration and approval or rejection of the following special claims and matters:
-Approve payment of Inv. #2051 to Schmader Electric for pole replacement 141 Railroad St. in the amount of $1,771.00.
-Approve payment of Inv. #2047 to Schmader Electric for Baseball Field light repair in the amount of $1,318.50.
14. Update Cyber-Security.
15. Discussion regarding purchase of meter reading equipment due to software change.
16. Update Section 14 Project.
17. Discussion and possible action regarding coordination of bids at Mohr Auditorium (CCCFF).
18. Correspondence.
19. Discussion and possible action regarding arbitration with MEAN.
20. Update from Unicameral and bills addressing high gas and electrical bills.
21. Discussion and possible action regarding floodplain violations in City of Scribner’s jurisdiction.
22. Approve paying of bills.
23. Next Council Meeting June 28, 2021 at 6:30 P.M.
24. Adjourn.
*The council reserves the right to convene into executive session on any appropriate matter.