Community Center • 6:30pm
1. Acknowledgement of Open Meetings Act, Roll Call & Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Citizen Comments.
3. Public Hearing: City of Scribner 1&6 Year Road Plan @ 6:35 P.M.
4. Discussion and possible action approving Resolution #621-23, a Resolution adopting City of Scribner’s 1&6 Year Street Improvement Program.
5. Consent Agenda:
(Items under Consent Agenda are proposed for adoption by one action for all items unless any member of the Council requests that an item be considered separately.)
a. Approve Minutes from January Regular Meeting.
b. Approve January Treasurer’s Report.
c. Approve Claims.
d. Correspondence.
e. Approve Monthly Reports: LB 840 Sales Tax Report,Administrator’s Report.
f. Motion to adopt Consent Agenda
6. Discussion and possible action regarding items moved from Consent Agenda.
7. Discussion and possible action on possible Interconnection Projects.
8. Update on US 275 Bypass and USACE inspection.
9. Discussion and possible action regarding payment of Invoice #230108 to Miller & Associates for professional services rendered – paving.
10. Discussion and possible action regarding payment policy for training for Scribner Volunteer Fire Department and RescueSquad.
11. Economic Director’s Report.
12. Police Report & Nuisance Abatement.
13. Discussion and possible actions regarding NuisanceAbatement.
14. Discussion and possible action for closing of Main Street, Pearl to Howard for Miles4Heroes events May 20th and 21st.
15. Update on Section 14 Project.
16. Discussion and possible action regarding Dodge County Fire Protection MFO.
17. Discussion and possible action regarding hazardous/poisonous material trailers parked in Residential Areas.
18. Discussion and possible action regarding rescinding fully executed Deferred Collection Agreement 602612-0 with Northern Natural Gas.
19. Discussion and possible action approving minutes of LB 840 CAC meeting 2/7/23.
20. Discussion and possible action regarding LB 840 CAC recommendation of approving $60,000.00 from LB 840 funds for completion of Mohr Auditorium renovation.
21. Update on Mohr Auditorium renovations.
22. Discussion and possible action approving minutes fromPlanning Commission meeting 2/21/2023.
23. Discussion and possible action regarding Resolution # 223-23, a Resolution setting fees for various zoning applications.
24. Discussion and possible action approving actions of Mayor and City Administrator signing grant agreements and forms for purchase of ambulance.
25. Next Council Meeting Monday, March 27, 2023 at 6:30 P.M.
26. Adjourn.
*The council reserves the right to convene into executivesession on any appropriate matter.