April 27, 2020
6:30 P.M.
**Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, our meetings will be closed to the public but will be streaming live via our Facebook page –City of Scribner
- Roll Call & Pledge of Allegiance
- Citizen Comments.
- Approval of Minutes: March Regular Meeting, Special Meeting 4/13/2020 & Treasurer’s Report.
- Open Public Hearing for Repurposing of Housing Rehabilitation Funds for ADA Barrier Removal.*SEE BELOW
- Police Report.
- Nuisance Abatement Update.
- Discussion and possible action regarding 2014 Dodge Police Pickup.
- Update on Swimming pool.
- Discussion and possible action approving payment #2 to David Scott, Masonry Restoration for the purchasing of paint and supplies for swimming pool.
- Discussion and possible action regarding opening of swimming pool for 2020 season.
- Update on ball field lights.
- Update Electrical Generation.
- Discussion and possible action approving Resolution #587-20, a Resolution authorizing an Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit to MEAN for electrical purchases by Scribner Bank.
- Discussion and possible action approving payment of Invoice #1729 from Schmader Electric for wiring of Electrical Generation.
- Discussion and possible action approving payment of Invoice #116342 from JEO Consulting for additional services, Electrical Generation.
- Discussion and possible action regarding approval of Planning Commission minutes from 4/21/2020 meeting.
- Discussion and possible action regarding livestock operation on city limits boundary.
- Update on Neff Street culvert.
- Update on Fulton Street infrastructure project.
- Discussion and possible action regarding Ordinance #586-20, an Ordinance amending the Municipal Water Regulations for the City of Scribner.
- Discussion and possible action regarding bid from EMC/Swanson Insurance for annual City insurance policy.
- Discussion and possible action regarding acceptable documentation that waste (trash) was lawfully collected and hauled to a permitted facility.
- Discussion and possible action regarding issuing personal proclamations from the City.
- Update on FEMA/NEMA.
- Update on Warning Sirens.
- Update on Preliminary Planning Cost Estimate, Utility Relocation US 275 Highway Bypass.
- Discussion and possible action approving payment to R.M.A. Engineering, LLC for overhead electrical design, US 275 Bypass & Co. Rd. 13 Blvd.
- Discussion and possible action approving payment to Clark Boschult for engineering services and mileage, US 275 Bypass, Utility Relocations.
- Economic Development.
- Update on Utilities due to COVID-19.
- Update on Office Staffing due to COVID-19.
- Correspondence
- Approve paying of bills.
- Discussion and possible action regarding changing May 25 meeting, Memorial Day.
- Next Regular Council Meeting May 27, 2020 at 6:30 P.M.
- Adjourn.
*The council reserves the right to convene into executive session on any appropriate matter.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on April 27, 2020 at 6:30 p.m., the City of Scribner will hold a public hearing concerning the amendment of its Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Economic Development Housing Revolving Loan Fund Program. The Housing RLF will be discontinued, ceasing any Housing type activities. The current Housing Program Guidelines still apply to existing projects and loans. This meeting will be open to the public but due to COVID-19, pursuant to the Governor’s Executive Order #20-03, however the Council Meeting will be available for the public streaming live on City of Scribner Facebook page. Public input will be accepted during Citizen’s Comments and the Public Hearing portion via Facebook Live comments or call (402)664-3231.
If you have any questions regarding this Public Hearing items, please email your questions before 4:00 P.M. on Monday 4/27/2020 to or telephone City Offices (402)664-3231 for consideration at meeting.
The City of Scribner, Dodge County, Nebraska is amending its Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Owner Occupied Housing Rehabilitation Program Guidelines and Re-Use Plan, which govern the City’s Revolving Loan Fund (Housing RLF) Program. The Housing RLF will be discontinued, ceasing any Housing type activities. The RLF’s current program guidelines will still apply to existing Housing projects and loans. Scribner will re-purpose all program income in the Housing RLF to fund the following three projects which will benefit elderly or persons with mobility impairments access to the City’s public facilities.
The first project is Scribner City Park which is located 1 city block located between Howard Street to Baker Street, 7th Street to 8th Street. The proposed project is the removal and replacement of cracked, uneven concrete under park shelters, installation of ADA curb ramps on 8th Street, installation of sidewalk to provided ADA access to the park, shelters, bandstand and restrooms. This project is in a residential district and the estimated cost of the project is $10,500.
The second project is US-275 and Horton Street Crossing. The proposed project is the installation of ADA ramps to existing sidewalks. This project is located near the City’s Central Business District, Scribner-Snyder Community Schools, Dodge County Fairgrounds, Mohr Auditorium and the City’s ballfields. The estimated cost of the project is $1,060.
The third project will be updates to the City’s website, Language Assistance Program (LAP), and the 504 Plan to ensure that each addresses ADA accessibility improvements for the Citizens of Scribner. The estimated cost of the project is $2,783.
The total approximate cost of all three project is $14,343 which includes $1,000 for construction management and $3,000 for general administration. The City will re-purpose and apply all Housing RLF program income, currently around $18,343 towards these projects. Any future program income will be applied toward the project or returned to the Nebraska Department of Economic Development. Any remaining project costs will be funded by the City. The City plans to start the project in June of 2020 with completion in August 2020. The project will primarily benefit low-to moderate income persons. No persons or businesses will be displaced as a result of this project.
All interested parties are invited to attend this public hearing at which time you will have an opportunity to be heard regarding the Reuse Plan. Written comments addressed to Elmer Armstrong at 530 Main Street, PO Box D, Scribner, Nebraska 68057 will be accepted if received on or before April 27, 2020
Individuals requiring physical or sensory accommodations including interpreter service, Braille, large print, or recorded materials, please contact Elmer Armstrong, at 530 Main Street, PO Box D, Scribner, Nebraska 68057 or at (402) 664-3231 no later than April 22, 2020. Accommodations will be made for persons with disabilities and non-English speaking individuals provided that a seven day notice is received by the City of Scribner.
To be published one time.
Send bill and proof of publication to: Send 2nd proof of publication to:
Elmer Armstrong Jan Merrill, NENEDD
PO Box D 111 South 1st Street
Scribner, NE 68057 Norfolk, NE 68701