August 26, 2024
6:30 P.M.
1. Acknowledgement of Open Meetings Act, Roll Call & Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Citizen Comments.
3. Consent Agenda:
(Items under Consent Agenda are proposed for adoption by one action for all items unless any member of the Council requests that an item be considered separately.)
a. Approve Minutes from July Regular Meeting and 8/16/24 Special Meeting.
b. Approve July Treasurer’s Report.
c. Approve Claims.
d. Correspondence.
e. Approve Monthly Reports: LB 840 Sales Tax Report,Library Board Minutes, Administrator’s Report.
4. Discussion and possible action regarding items moved from Consent Agenda.
5. Set date for Budget Workshop and Hearings.
6. Discussion and possible action approving Resolution #651-24, a Resolution authorizing signing of the Municipal Annual Certification of Program Compliance 2024.
7. Discussion and possible action approving concurrence with As-Built Survey of new levee embankment from HDR.
8. Update on area road construction projects and alley East of Main Street.
9. Economic Development Director’s Report.
10. Discussion and possible action approve minutes from 8/19/24LB 840 CAC meeting including Semi-Annual Review 1/1/2024–6/30/2024.
11. Discussion and possible action approving LB 840 grant applications.
12. Discussion and possible action regarding Scribner Welcome Signs.
13. Discussion and possible action on removal of unauthorized materials stored on City alley, Howard St. – Pearl St.
14. Police Report & Nuisance Abatement.
15. Discussion and possible actions regarding Nuisance Abatement.
16. Discussion and possible action approving Mayor’s appointment of Dennis Cooley to Scribner Planning Commission.
17. NPPD/MEAN discussion update.
18. Discussion and possible action approving payment to NMC for replacement of 2 fuel injectors and tune up on genset #2 in the amount of $7,081.00.
19. Discussion and possible action approving membership application to Scribner Rescue Squad Adjunct Member by Linda Reimers.
20. Discussion and possible action regarding needed audit of Scribner Rescue Squad.
21. Discussion and possible action adopting policies for City-Wide Clean-Up Day.
22. Discussion and possible action approving posting of meetingnotices at Lohmeyer Plumbing, Heating, and Air Conditioning, 417 Main Street.
23. Old business.
24. Next Council Meeting Monday, September 23, 2024, at 6:30 P.M.
25. Adjourn. *The council reserves the right to convene into executive session on any appropriate matter.