City Council 6.24.24

Furstenau Community Center • June 24, 2024 • 6:30pm

  1. Acknowledgement of Open Meetings Act, Roll Call & Pledge of Allegiance.
  2. Citizen Comments.
  3. Consent Agenda:
    (Items under Consent Agenda are proposed for adoption by one action for all items unless any member of the Council requests that an item be considered separately.)
    a. Approve Minutes from May Regular Meeting.
    b. Approve May Treasurer’s Report.
    c. Approve Claims.
    d. Correspondence.
    e. Approve Monthly Reports: LB 840 Sales Tax Report, Administrator’s Report.
  4. Discussion and possible action regarding items moved from Consent Agenda.
  5. Economic Development Director’s Report.
  6. Police Report & Nuisance Abatement.
  7. Discussion and possible actions regarding Nuisance Abatement.
  8. Discussion and possible action regarding utility pricing.
  9. Discussion and possible action regarding vehicle speeds on 9th Street.
  10. Discussion and possible action regarding the keeping of chickens in the City of Scribner.
  11. Discussion and possible action approving minutes from 6/4/24 LB 840 CAC meeting.
  12. Discussion and possible action approving LB 840 grant application.
  13. Discussion and possible action regarding approval of LB 840 loan application.
  14. Discussion and possible action approving 6/18/24 Planning Commission Meeting minutes.
  15. Update on alley East of Main, Pearl to Howard and area roads.
  16. Discussion and possible action approving closing of office/work hours on Friday 7/5/24 and Friday 11/29/24 with use of vacation.
  17. Discussion and possible action regarding sale of farmland.
  18. Other Business.
  19. Next Council Meeting Monday, July 22, 2024, at 6:30 P.M.
  20. Adjourn. *The council reserves the right to convene into executive session on any appropriate matter.