Scribner’s Pebble Creek Vintage Thrift – an affordable boutique shopping experience – with 2 locations, Hwy 275 (in old Dinkel building) and downtown (in old city office): name brand clothes, toys, furniture, Christmas trees, decorations, antiques and more!
Celebrate CHRISTMAS AT THE CREEK, Saturday, November 19th 10am-3pm: wine, snacks & prizes. While in town, visit the Tannenbaum Tree Festival and vendor fair at Scribner’s Mohr Auditorium 10am-4pm.
Then come back Saturday, November 26th 10am-3pm, also with snacks, wine & prizes. While in town, stay for the “A Small Town Christmas” parade and downtown holiday celebration, starting at 6pm.
Check us out on Facebook Pebble Creek Vintage Thrift.